The politics of fear is a tempting tool for manipulative politicians, religious leaders, and the wealthy elite. Democracy in America and elsewhere is now driven by money and an all-consuming desire for power. The middle class majority-which could challenge this disturbing trend-is silenced and sidelined.
In Axis of Evil, Hani Montan reveals the tools of domination and control: imperialism, nationalism, and religion. He shows how these three powerful but ultimately self-destructive forces have been the weapons of choice for empires throughout history, and how history, unfortunately, is once again repeating itself.
It doesn't have to be this way. While fearmongering about immigration, religion, and terrorism dominates a media under the influence of the right wing, we do not need to mindlessly buy into their narrative of fear and fragmentation. We can-indeed must-see the larger picture and curb extremism in all its forms before our leaders plunge the world once more into a period of war, famine, corruption, and genocide.
A bold and damning critique of world leaders in general and American foreign policy in particular, Axis of Evil asks you to think-and to act-before it's too late for us all.
About the Author: Hani Montan grew up in a Christian Orthodox family. He became an atheist at fourteen and began his involvement in politics at fifteen.
After earning a master of science in civil and industrial engineering in 1966, Montan traveled, studied, and worked in Algeria, Australia, Iraq, and Russia. He has worked as a project engineer and group leader for Sydney Water and managed his own retail business.
Montan is the author of Thorny Opinion, Israel vs. America vs. the World, Death by Choice versus Religious Dogma, Psyche and Personality, and Voice of Reason: In 7 Essays. On a lighter note, he is also the author of the humor book Dads Gags.
An Australian citizen, Montan is married with two daughters and one granddaughter. He blogs on many subjects at, and his articles on death with dignity can be found on