Are you afraid of not being ready for the CLF-CO1 OR SAA-C02 exam?
Or do you just want to be sure of your skills so as not to get unprepared for the exam?
Then this is the book for you!
This 2-book collection by former examiner Neville Dawson contains everything you need to get to the exam with confidence.
and not only!
but it will allow you to start with an advantage thanks to the writer's experience acquired over time.
The bundle will help you to learn, prepare, and practice for AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) exam and AWS Certified Solutions ArchitectAssociate (SAA-C02) Exam with this Cert Guide from Pearson IT Certification, a leader in ITCertification learning.
The bundle consists of the following:
Book 1: The Complete AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Guide (CLF-C01)
✓ Introduction About AWS(TM)
✓ Demystification of The CloudComputing
✓ Understanding AWS(TM) Certifications
✓ AWS Certified CloudPractitioner
✓ AWS Cloud Practioner Exam from Home
✓ AWS Certification Examin Five Steps
✓ Free AWS(TM) Cloud Practioner Question
Book 2: AWS(TM) Certified Solutions Architect-Associate (SAA-C02) Exam Study Guide
✓ CloudComputing Fundamentals
✓ IAM Accounts Aws Organizations
✓ S3 - SimpleStorage Service
✓ VPC - Virtual Private Cloud
✓ EC2 - Elastic CloudCompute
✓ ECS And Containers
✓ Applications and system logging onEC2
✓ Security Deployment Operations
Access now the strategies contained only in this book that will allow you to pass the exam and approach the fantastic world of AWS with great job opportunities.