My experiences during my final two years of Active Duty U.S. Military service led me to share the view I came to understand that, frankly, disgusted me.
You see, once I realized I'd been LIE'd to, and that it was my fault for believing, I was able to embrace the truth, and pivot toward a different path than most of us take toward "military transition."
This offer, the book, is only a small piece of the movement an entire generation of veteran's and service-members are creating.
I offer you the opportunity to be a part of that right now.
Our Nation is in great peril, and some serious domestic threats, national ones, are spilling over into the home of every U.S. Armed Forces Family.
My oath, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, doesn't stop upon my departure from Active Duty in October of 2022, but continues, and began well ahead of my last day in uniformed, uninformed service to the Nation.
Now the question is, what will you do?Will you be the senior leader with this no-longer-a-secret "secret" -OR;- will you decide I'm just out to make a buck, and not embrace the opportunity in front of you right now?
For fifteen dollars, less than a decent bottle of wine or a 12 pack of micro-brew, you can change your future, and that of those you care about.
I've priced the book at $1/LIE and I throw in the truth for half off. But the benefits you'll get in not only time, but money, too, are timeless and priceless.
I've packaged into these pages all I wished I'd known a decade-and-a-half ago upon stepping foot on the fast-attack submarine in the far western Pacific. It contains all I learned through my submarine force tour, my naval aviation tour, my experiences in the desert during the endless war, and at the burdensome staff assignments ashore.
I tell my story within and equip you with the knowledge and information your family must have before that inevitable "Transition Ambush" happens. After you read it, I look forward to seeing you in the community to truly take care of our people.
So, the big question is: How are service-members and spouses like us going to take back control and give our value to the world beyond military service? That is the question for us, and this book equips you with the answers.
Now engage and help win this War for Liberty...& Freedom beyond ranks.
To Your Liberty,