1. Introduction 1.1 An anti-aircraft gun control system
1.2 History of automatic control
1.3 Didactic prototypes
2. Physical system modeling 2.1 Mechanical systems
2.1.1 Translational mechanical systems
2.1.2 Rotative mechanical systems
2.2 Electrical systems
2.3 Transformers 2.3.1 Electric transformer
2.3.2 Gear reducer
2.3.3 Rack and pinion
2.4 Converters
2.4.1 Armature of a permanent magnet brushed DC motor 2.4.2 Electromagnet
2.5 A case of study. A DC-to-DC high-frequency series resonant power converter
2.6 Exercises
3. Ordinary linear differential equations
3.1 First order differential equation
3.1.1 Graphical study of the solution
3.1.2 Transfer function
3.2 An integrator 3.3 Second order differential equation
3.3.1 Graphical study of solution
3.3.2 Transfer function
3.4 Arbitrary order differential equations
3.4.1 Real and different roots
3.4.2 Real and repeated roots
3.4.3 Complex conjugated and not repeated roots
3.4.4 Complex conjugated and repeated roots
3.4.5 Conclusions
3.5 Poles and zeros in higher-order systems
3.5.1 Pole-zero cancellation and reduced order models
3.5.2 Dominant poles and reduced order models
3.5.3 Approximating transitory response of higher-order systems 3.6 The case of sinusoidal excitations
3.7 The superposition principle
3.8 Controlling first and second order systems
3.8.1 Pro
About the Author: Prof. Dr. Victor Manuel Hernández-Guzmán is a Professor at Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Mexico, since 1995, where he teaches Classical and Modern (Linear and Nonlinear) Control in undergraduate and graduate academic programs. He is a researcher in the Automatic Control Systems field.
Prof. Dr. Ramón Silva-Ortigoza has been a Researcher at the Department of Mechatronics, CIDETEC-IPN, since 2006, being the author of several books in English and Spanish. His research interests include mechatronic control systems, mobile robotics, control in power electronics, and development of educational technology.