I couldn't see what was meant to be. My experience was rooted in the present it was not open to a future fantastic experience that could be mine.
I was just like a blind man touching an elephant. I could only feel the part I was touching.
Years after the events recorded in this book were well past and gone, I was now in a wonderful position and was having a great life. I now lived in another country; I had a great wife, a good job, owned a nice house, travelled regularly on nice vacations and had a fantastic lifestyle.
However, I get ahead of myself .... This book is of a time gone by, now well and truly past, of a different era, of a different life that I once had.
This is a story about a journey. A journey down a road called divorce. This is a personal journey recorded in a combination of prose and poem.
To others, we had it all. To me I had also fooled myself that we also had it all. However, there were negative emotions in both of us that were not always obvious. They were often hidden, and we lived for years and years in relative happiness. However, deep within our subconscious our emotions were festering, ready to explode our marriage into pieces. Eventually, the day came when the explosion occurred and our marriage was destroyed.
Ultimately, this book is also about hope. I survived and eventually was able to excel through this ordeal. Believe me, the human spirit can endure - however I had to decide that I would tough it out.
My divorce experience has added an incredible depth to my personality; that would not have been possible if the divorce hadn't happened. This is positive, for to add depth of character to my personality, and in addition to learn to really care for other people, are two characteristics truly worth holding on to and developing.
One aim in writing this book, and publishing it, is to assist those who are either just entering the road to divorce and/or those who are already on it. I do hope that it assists others to find the end of their divorce journey. If this book helps just one other person reach the end of their journey in better shape - then I will be satisfied and the effort of having written this book will have been worthwhile.
This book was also written for me. This is a "warts and all" book. It is a true story of a man's struggle to come to terms with the reality of divorce, to accept it and to move forward in the present with his life.
Finally, this book is not meant to be about blame. It is just meant to capture the emotions of one individual going through divorce. Hence, the book only captures "one side" of my timeless story.
Oh the sea, Oh the sea,
How I love to sit and listen to thee.
On the beach Rosellas chatter and dance above,
They so suit the scene, fit like a glove.
Tall trees gracefully line the sand,
Magnificent and strong they do stand.
Overhead the lovely clear blue sky,
Beautifully reflected in her graceful eye.
I watch a sailing ship race across the sea,
She looks content to be.
The wind fills her sail,
As she pushes forward without fail.
Wave crests look brilliant white,
A majestic moving form, gleaming in the moonlight.
The sea swell heaves to and fro,
Polishing the rocks a gentle glow.
Waves rumble to completion on shore,
Followed by another, and so many more.
Sea noise a refreshing bubbling sound,
As the waves curl over, hit the ground.
Oh the sea, Oh the sea, how fair is your domain,
What beauty you have within that endless plain.
Brad Michael Little
About the Author: This a true story of a man's struggle to come to terms with the reality of divorce, to accept it and to move forward in the present with his life.