A Guide To Ease Your Job Searching PAIN Inspired By The Great Austin Belcak
Are you tired of applying for jobs the same way as everyone else?
Everyone you know is applying the way you do, and even worse, so are those you don't know. But how about taking a step back, especially if you've been doing it for so long without getting the results you want?
Maybe you're hitting the gas unnecessarily (sending email after email), yet getting nothing. Or even worse, you're failing interviews. Why not make sure your process goes smoothly, ensuring no more failed interviews, getting paid what you deserve, and doing what you love? And even better, making sure you get promoted along the way.
Sounds too good to be true, right?
I know how you feel. I've been there. When I was 23, fresh out of university with a Bachelor's Degree in Public Management, I asked myself, "How am I supposed to get into hiring and managing employees when my qualifications are in a completely different field?" It seemed impossible until I came across Austin Belcak's story. Long story short, today I work as an HR Practitioner, even though it's not what I studied. Feel free to check me out on LinkedIn, Luke Nakandangwa.
So, this guide shows you a new way to get hired! Austin Belcak, a job coach I've followed for years, teaches jobseekers how to stand out and land jobs without needing traditional experience or connections. In this guide, you'll learn how to plan your career, network like a pro, ace interviews, and even start a side hustle while job hunting. Having spent almost half a decade following Austin-from when I was jobless to landing an HR Administrator role eight months later-I've filtered what can easily work for any jobseeker.
So, let's get to work and...
have success out there!