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Excerpt from Atlas zu den Echiniden Cidaris tuberculosas pag. 62, weisser Jura. E, Kienlesberg. Cidaris perlatus pag. 63, weisser Jura s, Nattheim; x vergrossert. Cidaris cf. Perlatus pag. 65, daher. Cidaris perlatus pag. 63 Oolith e, Schnaitheim. Desgleichen pag. 64, daher a. Halbes Ohr von Innen. Desgleichen pag. 63, daher Stacheln. Desgleichen pag. 64, Nattheim, Brut. Desglei_chen pag. 64, Oolith e, Schnaitheim. Desgleich'en pag. 65, daher, Eiertafel. Cidaris Xscriptus pag. 65, weisser Jura s, Oerlinger Thal, Eiert_afeln. Cidaris curvatus pag. 65, desgleichen, daher. Cidaris corono-laevis pag. 66, desgleichen daher. C. Corono-punctus pag. 66, weisser Jura. 5, Ulm. 0. Corono - strictus pag. 66, weisser Jura s, Nattheim. C. Corono - pusula pag. 67, weisser Jura e, Nattheim. C. Corono-mamma pag. 67, daher. C. Corono-filum pag. 67, daher. C. Elegans modus pag. 43, daher. C. Elegans punctus pag. 43, daher. C. Elegans turba pag. 43, daher. C. Marginatus pag. 69, weisser Jura s, Nattheim; innere Ohren, c Eiert3fel, x bu]acren vergr�ssert. Desgleichen pag. 68, Stacheln, daher. C. Marginatus globosus pag. 70, daher. C. Marginatus elegans pag. 70, daher. C. Coronatus pag. 70, daher, jung. Cidaris Blumenbachii pag. 71, weisser Jur'a s, N ohlhaus. Desgleichen pag. Daher. C. Blumenbachii Danubicus pag. 72, Ulm, weisser. Jura s;. Cidaris Suevicus pag. 73, Bopfingen, mittlerer weisser Jura. Cidaris Suevicus pag. 74, weisser Jura Y, Cidaris histricoides pag. 75, weisser Jura. S" Nollhaus. C. Histricoides perplex - us pag. 76, daher. Sp1nosns s pag. 76, Nollhaus, weisser Jura e. C. Spi11'osus oc pag. 76, Loc'hen, weisser Jura. Ac. Desgleichen pag. 76, Bollert weisser J11-1'a cc. C. Rarefactas pag.. - 77, Lachen weisser Jura. Cc.. C. _s11bhistricoides p.a1g. 77, B�llert, weisser Jura cc. Cidaris cf. Blumenbachii pag. 77, B�llert weisser Jura oz. C. Suevicus pag. Daher. Cidaris florigemma. Pag. 79, Terrain �. Chailles, Kl. Lutzel. Desgleich1qn pag. 80, K�rper, daher. Cidaris cf. florigemma pag. 81, Sirchingen weisser Jura s. Cidaris fiorigemma pag. 80, oxfordthon' Vaches hohes.62. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.