The human body, the physical substance of the human organism, is composed of living cells and extracellular materials and organized into tissues, organs, and systems. Humans are, of course, animals-more particularly, members of the order Primates in the subphylum Vertebrata of the phylum Chordata.
Like all chordates, the human-animal has a bilaterally symmetrical body that is characterized at some point during its development by a dorsal supporting rod (the notochord), gill slits in the region of the pharynx, and a hollow dorsal nerve cord. Of these features, the first two are present only during the embryonic stage in the human; the notochord is replaced by the vertebral column, and the pharyngeal gill slits are lost completely.
The dorsal nerve cord is the spinal cord in humans; it remains throughout life.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of human anatomy and physiology through the study of muscles, cells, nerves, organs, blood, bones, and skin appendages. Coloring is an excellent way to learn about the structure (anatomy) and function (physiology) of the human body. Anatomy, by its nature, is learned primarily by memorization.
Coloring helps students remember because they must pay attention to detail, visualize structures, and physically feel the relationship between different structures as they color.