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Have you tried losing weight but have failed?
Don't give up quite yet, because there is hope, on the Atkins diet. Many people have found the answer to their weight loss question when they start to follow the low-carb plan advocated in the Atkins diet. Instead of counting calories you count the Net Carbs that you eat. You don't have to feel deprived, and you are encouraged to eat enough food so that you feel satiated and full. As long as you eliminate carbohydrates from your diet, you will lose weight.
With the Atkins diet, the body goes from burning carbohydrates to burning fat. Foods high in carbohydrates cause a rise in blood sugar, which sends the body the signal that it must produce more insulin. Insulin is a hormone that produced in excess, causes the storage of fat.
This book will describe the Atkins diet in detail, including the four phases of the diet, the foods that you can eat on each phase, and even some recipes that you can try. All your questions will be answered in this book. By the time you are finished, you will have all the information and the tools that you need to succeed on the Atkins diet.
Basically, the idea behind the Atkins diet is that the body has two different options that they can use for fuel: either sugar from the foods you eat, or stored fats in the body. The body will use simple sugars and carbs first, because it is the easiest to utilize. If you stop eating sugars and Carbohydrates which are turned into sugars in the body, that only leaves one fuel source for your body, the fats that you have already stored. Because sugars aren't available, the body will start to metabolize the stored fats, especially those fats around the belly area, to fuel the body. And you lose weight. It is really that simple.
This book covers:
- A Basic Understanding of the Atkins Diet
- A History of the Diet
- A Basic Consideration
- What Makes the Atkins Diet Perfect?
- Ketosis Is the Key
- What Weight Loss Results Will You Get?
- Basic Benefits Outside Weight Loss
- Why It's Better Than Other Options
- Starting with the Induction Phase
- The Three Remaining Stages
- Critical Nutrients
- A Lighter Version of the Atkins Diet
- Can a Vegetarian Handle the Atkins Diet?
- Tips for Success
And much more!!!
After all, you want to find a happy medium between being able to eat foods that you enjoy and keeping weight off. Atkins will help you progress between very restricted Net Carbs to finding a balance for your body to have healthy carbs added while still maintaining your weight loss.
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