God desires His people to be a repository for His tender and unchanging spirit.
No matter how pretty the stained glass in the arches of our magnificent naves, or how ethereal our pipe organs, or how polished the floors, God does not imbue them with His holy presence. God's desire for a residence on this earth is much more beautiful: His people and the praises they raise unto Him.
In this book, Tim Barker shares five bold ways to renew your relationship with Christ.
1. Find God's favor when you rest at His feet.
2. Unlock forgiveness when you are within His reach.
3. Be transformed as you commune with Him.
4. Join the throng of the chosen in the presence of our Lord.
5. Allow the rest and peace that comes from God's presence in your life to change your desperation into an upwelling joy that can only flow from God's throne.
Take this book. Share it with those who know Christ and those who don't. It will reveal a roadmap to a spiritual connection with the Father that will shake up and change anyone who desires to develop a deeper, more personal connection with Christ.
A Message from the Desk of Tim Barker:
There's power at the feet of Jesus! Throughout the Scriptures, significant things happened at the feet of Jesus. They are still relevant to our lives today. I know. I've been there. I've sought the Lord at His feet for comfort and inspiration, and He has made His holy presence known to me.
We want to be where God is found, not in buildings built by men, but in the praises of His people. Our prayers become a footstool for the presence of the almighty God. He calls us into His presence when we gather at the feet of our Lord.
In this book, you will read of God's favor and His redemption, for you are chosen and forgiven.
In Jesus, you can find the rest you desire, for at His feet, His joy becomes whole.
Come to Jesus today. He holds His hand out to you.
Tim R. Barker, D. Min.
About Tim:
Reverend Tim R. Barker is the Superintendent of the South Texas District of the Assemblies of God which is headquartered in Houston, Texas.
He is a graduate of Southwestern Assemblies of God University, with a Bachelor of Science degree in General Ministries/Biblical Studies, with a minor in music. He also received a Master of Arts in Practical Theology from SAGU and received his Doctorate of Ministry Degree from West Coast Seminary.
Reverend Barker was ordained by the Assemblies of God in 1989. He began his ministry in the South Texas District in 1984 as youth & music minister and continued his ministry as Pastor, Executive Presbyter (2006 - 2009) and Executive Secretary-Treasurer (2009 - 2011) in the South Texas District, where he served until his election as the South Texas District Superintendent in 2011.
By virtue of his district office, Reverend Barker is a member of the District's Executive Presbytery and the General Presbytery of the General Council of the Assemblies of God, Springfield, Missouri. He is a member of the Executive Board of Regents for Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, Texas, and SAGU-American Indian College, Phoenix, Arizona. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Pleasant Hills Children's Home, Fairfield, Texas, as well as numerous other boards and committees.
Reverend Barker and his wife, Jill, married in 1983, have been blessed with two daughters. Jordin and her husband, Stancle Williams, who serves as the South Texas District Youth Director. Abrielle and her husband, Nolan McLaughlin, are church planters of Motion Church in San Antonio. The Barkers have four grandchildren, Braylen, Emory and Landon Williams and Kingston McLaughlin.