Socrates' aphorism "Know yourself" is a respectable and wise incentive. Each person is responsible for coming to know himself or herself and by doing that to know the Universe, to grow in such a way that each life and life cycle may become a step forward on the road of self fulfillment. Every person who comes to the physical level can hit crucial moments, when he is confused, he doesn't know which way to go further, doesn't manage to identify the best road to go in the future. He feels lonely, most of the time he doesn't know how to listen to his inner voice; as for a conversation with spiritual guides, that cannot even be considered. And then he seeks advice from others and, in order to get get a complete picture of what he has to do, he can even consult an astrologer.
What is the astrologer's role and what can he do to help that person? For a better understanding, let's imagine a mechanism, let's personalize it. Each person is born with a life program, materialized let's say in the form of a chart, in which appear: the past, the reason for which he arrived here and a general view of direction in which he has to go, what he has to do to go further, to grow. Our spiritual guides have those chart of ours on which they follow our journey. They want to help us, but we do not know how to communicate with them, we do not know how to listen to our inner voice. The astrologer is making a "copy," be it is a simple one, in 2D of that chart; and based on it, he tries to explain to the native more precisely what the spiritual guides would want to explain to him. In this way the astrologer has an extremely high importance, but also a huge responsibility! Obviously this chart is more complex than the simple copy mentioned above. We do not know, we can only imagine that this is dynamic chart, in more than only two dimensions, but difficult to be understood by the human mind. Under those circumstances, to look for and to develop a mode of studying such a chart in more than two dimensions, to see in perspective, in depth, it is a laborious act and it is more than a daring one. But mankind has the duty to research, to develop and create instruments which help people see and understand more. And then, the only thing he can say to himself is: "Dare!"
Mrs. Emilia Petrescu dared! And she made it! She is presenting us in this book a new vision on the understanding of a natal chart: a 3D vision, in which evolution is made in a spiral (a circle is nothing else but a 2D projection of a spiral) on several levels. She reveals to us that behind a symbol that appears as a plane shape there are other several meanings which can be discovered only when we look in perspective. That way she dared to make one more step towards reading the real chart that our spiritual guides have. That way she made one more step towards decoding the complexity of that chart, of the life program we each have.
This is a daring step, made with much courage, but absolutely needed and laudable. A step which - we like to believe - will help mankind in knowing itself better, on its journey towards evolution.
Prof. Firicel Ciarnău