About the Book
WORDS TO THE WISE! FORWARD BY PRIME CREATOR/GOD!Don't give-up on yourself, you are the power with unlimited possibilities to change your life and the world if you are READY. You are the one within you are seeking. This book is HEALING, EMPOWERING, thought provoking, humorous and life changing forever. Ascension is about ACTIVATING& Decoding your powerful dormant DNA to remember who you are & SOUL MISSION. Based on the author's spiritual awaking experiences process of healing, forgiveness, releasing and learning detachment, unconditional love.Healing on all levels. The kundalini/Spiritual awakening process can be very painful, LONELINESS and frighten.She illustrates the power of the subconscious mind, law of attraction and realizing your soul purpose for reincarnated at this time on earth to help humanity raise their frequency. Her MYSTICAL spiritual journey into the higher consciousness (Goddess/Godself) going through the Ascensions for Soul Retrieval and Resurrection, return to CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS this process of transformation out of human density (carbon based being) into a crystalline light being. You may experience some of these symptoms and many more. Physically such as: aches, pain, loss of appetite or over-eating, diet and sleep pattern changes, extreme fatigues, skin rash, body pain all over etc. Mentally depression, suicidal thoughts, bipolar/ADHD and schizophrenia like symptoms.Emotionally such as: mood swings, short memory loss, detaching and letting go of materialism and false illusions loss of career, job or business, family, and friends that don't serve your higher self. Spiritually symptoms such as: feel like you want to go home, seeing and hearing things in other dimensions, Feel unconditional love for all. heightened sensitivities to low and negative people and things etc. Some people have been feeling many of these kundalini or spiritual awakening symptoms for many years and many will start now. Somethings you can do to ease the symptoms naturally: Forgiving, releasing child-hood and present pain and betrayal, Such as: reiki, swimming, exercise, tai-chi, acupuncture, massages, energy work, yoga, being in nature, meditating, deep breathing work, eliminate processed food, drink plenty of natural energy drinks and juices drink plenty of alkaline water, use nature produces eat healthy organic foods if you can, listen to music on a 528 hz frequencies, this can be done with "tuning forks" and others method, chants. clearing and opening all the chakra center especially the heart center, Find a good support group. some of the benefits after the evolution Process such; as feeling inner peace, center, balance and whole with yourself, curing all disease, freedom from all detachments, feeling unconditional love for all divine creations, re-claiming all your divine powers re-verse aging, being more wealthy, career or business, how you attract your twinflame. How your intuition heighten. Realizing you are the power with unlimited possibilities Everything is energy! What some call an end is just a new beginning. Resurrection is transforming us back to our true Divine selves/ Christ Consciousness from this unbalance, corrupt society; this PARADIGM foundation is crumbling and all its false illusion of fear, materialism and deception. We are moving from the 3rd dimension through the 4rd to the 5th and beyond. This book gives affirmation, prayer, meditation techniques, some powerful quotes, and tools to help you through this great shift in consciousness, golden age new opportunities, heaven on earth. INNER/OVER STANDING, Metaphysics, Spirituality, Healing Mind body spirit soul, energy vibration, universal laws, Meditation, Astrology, self awareness, Self-Help, Bible, Wealth, Health, Love relationships, Jesus, peace, detox, Herbs, indigo children, starseed, Soul mates, Success, peace, Power of your words & thoughts, Depression, Dreams, Motivational, inspirational, hypnosis, transmuting sex, God, mystical experienc