Today world is extensively affected by endocrine disease
Diabetes Mellitus which is commonly known as diabetes. There
is a need for an effective model which can predict diabetes and
its types at the early stages with accuracy. To improve the
accuracy of prediction and to achieve better efficiency, a new
Machine Learning based Model (MLM) is proposed. This
Machine Learning Model (MLM) has ability to predict the
diabetes and its categories as type 1, type 2 and Gestational
diabetic with which the patient is suffering from. The proposed
Machine Learning Model is innovative for diagnosis of diabetes
is more accurate as compared to other existing approaches. This
is a novel method from which one can combine power of an AI
with the machine learning environment.
Majority people with diabetes can have an eye complication
called diabetic retinopathy during data collection researcher
experienced the same. It is a diabetes disease or complication
that affects eyes. Another aim of this study is to model CNN to
predict diabetic retinopathy using deep learning techniques.
These approaches have been tested with data samples. The CNN
model has 80% accuracy for the dataset with diabetic
retinopathy and without diabetic retinopathy.