¡Pura vida! is an original story-line video filmed specifically to accompany the fifth edition of ¡Arriba! Over the course of its 15 episodes, students follow the interactions of five principal characters who find themselves living together in a youth hostel in San José, Costa Rica. Students are able to see the vocabulary and grammar structures presented in the textbook in use in realistic situations while gaining a deeper understanding of Hispanic culture. The sitcom-like format allows instructors to show or assign segments for some chapters without being obligated to do so for others. Pre-viewing, viewing, and post-viewing activities are found in the Observacionessections of the textbook and the Student Activities Manual. The video is available for student purchase on DVD, but is also available within MySpanishLab. In addition, the video is available to instructors on DVD and VHS cassette.
--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. About the Author
¡Arriba!: Comunicación y cultura, Third Edition and Brief Edition
About the Authors
EDUARDO ZAYAS-BAZáN is a native of Camagüey, Cuba. He has a M.S. in foreign languages from Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas, and a Doctor en Derecho degree from Universidad Nacional José Martí, Havana, Cuba.
Dr. Zayas-Bazán has authored, edited or translated seventeen books. He co-authored ¡Arriba! Comunicación y cultura, a beginning college textbook published in 1993 by Prentice-Hall; the second edition was released in 1996. His last book, Conexiones, published in 1999, is a popular intermediate college textbook that is also being used in high school AP classes. He was also editorial advisor for Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovichs new first and second level high school Spanish series, and is a co-author of Nuestro mundo, the third level text published in 1991.
Dr. Zayas-Bazán is a Professor Emeritus at East Tennessee State University. From 1973 to 1993 he was chair of the Department of Foreign Languages at ETSU. In 1978 he received East Tennessee State Universitys Distinguished Faculty Award; in 1984 Sigma Delta Pis Martel Award; and in 1989 the Tennessee Foreign Language Teachers Associations Jacqueline Elliott Award. In 1980 Dr. Zayas-Bazán was elected president of TFLTA and in 1985 he was chosen president of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. From 1990 to 1993 he was president of the National Association of Cuban-American Educators (NACAE). In 1994 he was elected Chairman of the Board of NACAE, a position he still holds.
SUSAN M. BACON earned her Ph.D. in Foreign Language Education and Spanish Linguistics from The Ohio State University. She is currently Professor of Spanish at the University of Cincinnati. She has published extensively in the area of foreign language acquisition and methodology, particularly in the use of authentic listening and reading text. In 1994, she was honored by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and the Modern Language Journal with the Paul Pimsleur Award for Research in Foreign Language Education. In 1997-98 she was named Fulbright-Robles Scholar to Mexico where she conducted research on SL acquisition in study abroad. In addition to ¡Arriba!, she has co-authored Conexiones (1999) and Leyendas del mundo hispano (2000).
--This text refers to an alternate Hardcover edition.