Second of two volumes as the sequel to Fromt the Earth to the Moon.
The Baltimore Gun Club's bullet-shaped projectile with its three passengers--Barbicane, Nicholl and Michael Ardan--begins the five-day trip to the moon. Minutes into the voyage, an asteroid passes close but does not collide with them. The asteroid captured by the Earth's gravity had become a second moon.
The travelers undergo (mis)adventures including disposing of a dog's body out a window, intoxication by gases, and miscalculations leading to fears that they will fall back to Earth. The gravitational force of the asteroid has nudged the projectile off course.
The projectile enters lunar orbit rather than landing on the moon as originally planned. Barbicane, Ardan and Nicholl begin geographical observations with opera glasses. The projectile then dips over the moon's northern hemisphere around its dark side. It is plunged into extreme cold before emerging into the light and heat again in approaching the southern hemisphere.
From the safety of their projectile, they gain spectacular views of Tycho, one of the greatest craters on the moon. The projectile begins the return towards the "dead point" where the gravitational attraction of the moon and Earth becomes equal.
Will they break free let alone return the Earth alive and whole?
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