La esperada secuela del fenómeno literario que capturó el corazón de miles de lectores. En Aristóteles y Dante descubren los secretos del universo conocieron el amor.
Ahora, deben descubrir cómo cuidarlo y construir una relación en un mundo que parece desafiar su existencia.
Ari ha pasado toda la preparatoria escondiendo su verdadero yo, manteniéndose callado e invisible. Pensaba que su último año sería igual, pero algo en él cambió cuando se enamoró de Dante. Ahora hace cosas que jamás pensó tiene nuevos amigos, confronta a cualquier tipo de bully y no se queda callado ante nada. Y siempre a su lado está el soñador y perspicaz Dante, quien lo mismo consigue sacarlo de quicio que hacerlo suspirar.
Los chicos están decididos a abrirse camino en un mundo que no los entiende, pero cuando Ari sufre una repentina y devastadora pérdida, sabe que deberá luchar como nunca para lograr la vida plena y feliz que siempre soñó.
The highly anticipated sequel to the literary phenomenon that captured the hearts of thousands of readers.
In Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, they found love.
Now, they must learn how to nurture it and build a relationship in a world that seems to challenge their very existence.
Ari has spent all of high school hiding his true self, staying quiet and invisible. He thought his senior year would be the same, but something changed in him when he fell in love with Dante. Now he does things he never imagined: he has new friends, stands up to any kind of bully, and doesn't stay silent about anything. And always by his side is the dreamy and insightful Dante, who can both drive him crazy and make him sigh.
The boys are determined to make their way in a world that doesn't understand them, but when Ari suffers a sudden and devastating loss, he knows he must fight like never before to achieve the full and happy life he has always dreamed of.