This popular international interdisciplinary-oriented, research-based textbook on personnel psychology has been used for 25 years now. The text material is presented elegantly in theoretical, statistical for psychometric framework. The book reflects the state-of-the-art developments in personnel psychology and the dramatic changes that has recently characterized the field, and outlines a forward-looking, progressive model towards which HR specialist should aim. KEY FEATURES :
• Interdisciplinary-oriented, research based approach— provides balanced coverage of the conventional scientific procedures with fundamentals of psychological theory.
• Personnel psychology approach—seeks to make organizations more effective and satisfying places to work.
• Forward-looking, progressive presentation—integrated with statistical, psychometric and psychological theories. This provides students with a comprehensive and practical approach that challenges the field to advance, rather than to simply document past practice.
• Technology, strategy, globalization and social responsibility themes throughout—provides students with a holistic view of the field.
• Completely revised and updated—with more than 500 new references since the last edition.
• Broader performance management emphasis replaces performance appraisal approach—to provide more accurate and objective assessment.
• In-depth treatment of differential prediction— offers students specific suggestions to improve the accuracy of the differential-prediction test and suggestions on how to minimize adverse impact.
• International dimensions of applied psychology chapter added—emphasizing five main areas; identification of potential for international management, selection for international assignments, cross cultural training and development, performance management, and repatriation.About the AuthorWAYNE F. CASCIO, The Business School, University of Colorado at Denver.|HERMAN AGUINIS, The Business School, University of Colorado at Denver.