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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1903 Excerpt: ...monfl, m. Moorish highwayman. monlato, m. (bot.) v. Boniato. monicaco, т. whipster, v. Hominicaco. monición, /, admonition. monigote, т. lay-brother; (coll.) a bumpkin; puppet, grotesque figure. monillo, m. (sew.) waist, bodice. monipodio, m. (coll.) combine. monís, /. kind of fritters; any pretty little thing.--monises, (coll.) money. mónita, /, artifice, cunning suavity. monitor, m. monitor, adviser; (naut.) monitor. monitorio, ria, a. monitory, admonitory.--. m. &/. ecclesiastical monition, monja mon'-hah, /. nun.--pi, sparks in burned papers. monje mon'-hay, m. monk; recluse, anchoret; (orn.) brown peacock. monjía пюп-hee'-ah, /. monkhood. mordazmente, adv. acrimoniously, nippingly. mordedor, ra, т. biter; backbiter, mordedura, /, bite. mordente, m. mordant; (mus.) mordent; turn, morder, va. (ind. Muerdo: subj. Muerda) to bite; to nip, gripe, grasp, clutch; to gnaw, eat, or wear away; to etch; to corrode; to revile, backbite; (print.) to overlap the form or paper (as the frisket), thereby preventing a good impression: no morderse los labio», (coll.) to be outspoken: morderse la lengua, to refrain from saying what one is tempted to say. mordicación, /. smarting, stinging. mordicante, pa. & a. biting, pungent, acrid, corrosive. mordicar, va. to gnaw, nibble; to smart, sting. mordicativo, va, a. biting, stinging, mordido, da, pp. & a. diminished, wasted away. mordiente, pa. biting.--m. mordant mordihuí, т. weevil, mordimiento, ». bite, mordication. mordiscar, va. to nibble; take a bite, mordisco, mordiscón, т. bite; bit, piece bitten olf. morel de sal, m. (art) purple red for fresco painting. morena, /, brown bread; (agr.) rick of newmown grain; heap of ston...