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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1918 edition. Excerpt: ...peasant. labradoreBCO, Ca, a. relating to a farmer; rustic. labradorita, / (min.) labradorite. labrandera, / seamstress, embroiderer. labrante, т. stonecutter, sculptor. labrantin, petty farmer. labrantio, tia a. arable, tillable. labranza. /. tillage, cultivation, ploughing, farming," husbandry; farm-laud. labrar, ra. to labour, elaborate, work out, fabricate, manufacture, produce; to till, plough, cultivate; to build, erect, construct buildings; to cut, dress, carve stone; to do needle-work, to embroider; to make designs in fabrics, stones, arms, etc.; to form, larva, /. mask; (eut.) larva, grub: larras, hobgoblins; lemures. larvado, da, a. (med.) lar vate, masked. larval, a. pertaining to a larva. las, definite art. J pl. the as las mojare, the women).--pern, pron. f. pi. in the accusative case, them as las tongo, I have them); it is used sometimes in the nominative case, as 1 hay cartas t--las hay, are there any letters?--there are some (las should never be used for the dative cose, which calls for lot). lasana, /, fritter shaped like a leaf. lasca, /. chip from a stone. lascar, va. (naut.) to ease away, slacken, pay out. lascivamente, adv. lasciviously, lustfully. lascivia, /, lasciviousness, lewdness, lust. lascivo, va, a. lascivious, lewd, lustful, libidinous; merry, sportive. laserpiclo. m. (bot ) laser wort. lasitud, /, lassitude, weariness, faintness. laso, sa, a. weary, tired, exhausted; lax, flaccid. lastar, va. to pay, answer, or suffer for another. lastima, /, sympathy, compassion, pity, condolence, grief; pitiful object; plaint, lamentation, tale of woe: os Ultima, it is a pity. lastimadura, /, sore, hurt lastimar, va. to hurt, injure, damage, wound, offend; to pity, to sympathize.--vr. to grieve, ...