A Spiritual Message For Modern Times Johnny Appleseed is an authentic American hero celebrated in film, literature and art. While famous for growing the apple industry, relatively little is known about his accomplishments in the world of spirit.
Based on actual events, this Journal chronicles Johnny¹s travels during a period of time in 1843 when he mysteriously went missing. While on his way to a convention at the Church of New Jerusalem in Philadelphia, something transpired and he never arrived. Historically there is no information about why he did not attend.
As a minister Johnny had a spiritual calling and provided apple seedling, a life staple along the frontier, as part of his work. It is rumored that Hudson Valley, New York is the place where Johnny planted a message so that it could be harvested by spiritual travelers in our time. This is his story.
Biography: Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, spiritual traveler is an advocate of Sufi mysticism and the perennial philosophy. Professionally specializing in the healing applications of therapeutic recreation, psychiatric rehabilitation and mental health treatment; he holds a doctorate in education and served on the faculties of multiple colleges and universities.
Sufism for the Western Seeker, published in 2011, was nominated by 'Foreword Magazine' for Adult Non Fiction Religious Book of Year Book of the Year Award, placing 4th (honorable mention) and is a must read. This book chronicles learning in 2 modern western Sufi schools and is available through Amazon or at local bookstore.
A frequent contributor to online venues like: Philadelphia Spirituality Examiner, Wisdom Magazine, New Age Journal, Ezinearticles.com, Witchvox.com, Mystic Living Today, New Age Spirituality, Waking Times and spiritual blogs. Follow him on Facebook and his blog.
Other books by Dr. Bitkoff: A Commuter's Guide to Enlightenment, Llewellyn, 2008; Journey of Light: Trilogy, Authorhouse, 2004; The Ferryman's Dream, Abandoned Ladder, 2012; Beyond The River's Gate, Abandoned Ladder, 2014; these books are available through Amazon.com or local bookstore.
For more information about the author go to: www.stewartbitkoff.com or email: drbitkoff@yahoo.com.