Dr. Kluane SpakeBecause early Bible translators lacked the understanding of the word "headship," it was interpreted wrongly and this mistake has affected our entire Western culture as well as our interpretation of many Scriptures.
"I am totally blown away by the testimony in your book on headship! Wow! It all makes sense now! You are a forerunner, #trailblazer, #primemover!" Deb Cook Australia
A phenomenal and easy to understand booklet explaining the correct Scriptural understanding of "headship." This E-book contains full color photos describing this correct explanation of Biblical Headship. These photos are copywrited and not to be copied for personal use.
For centuries, our understanding of the Bible has been obtained from the interpretations and translations of Church Fathers who guarded the Canon of Holy Writ. We know that these well-meaning men of ancient times treasured the value of the Scriptures and spent their lives trying to interpret them.
But now that we have greater access to historical documents and language usage, we find that they made many mistakes. The misinterpretation of the word head is just one example of long established Biblical misunderstandings. Today, the books have been opened further, just like Daniel promised (Dan. 12:9). The veil has been removed from our eyes and we begin to see more clearly. Now, it's imperative that we re-examine many of our long held beliefs.
The purpose of this booklet is to rightly translate and correct this viewpoint of headship and make it easy to understand. This booklet is designed to be brief, easy to understand, and to the point. If you want details or references, you can also read my companion book, "From Enmity to Equality.&rdquo
This is copywrited material.
Here is what you need to know what Paul meant about "headship" and being the head.
About the Author: Dr. Kluane Spake Dr. Kluane Spake is an International speaker, author, Ministry Success Coach, and Ministry Mentor; Her mission is to help you experience significant success and happiness in your life; and in your ministry! She boldly speaks and writes about lots of imperative and controversial messages of Church REFORM; like how certain limiting errors of doctrine have held women back around the world for centuries. Her books are directed to those who are forward-thinking Christian Ministers, Leaders, and entrepreneurs; to understand the original INTENTION of Scripture and to know how to use these imperative Biblical Truths in actionable and applicable strategies; right now!
"Dr. K" was raised in Anchorage and raised her kids in Fairbanks, Alaska. She founded and pastored a successful church in the tropical island of Guam for 14.5 years. This experience made a profound influence on understanding the needs of the LOCAL Church PASTOR and Traveling Ministers.
Since moving to Atlanta, Georgia, she now travels in ministry world-wide preaching/teaching at local church services, conferences, and pastor's meetings. She lives with her husband Rodell just north of Atlanta. They have four grown kids and seven grandkids.
Her hobbies are diverse; particularly traveling, accapella singing, and art. Needless to say, she loves SEO and graphic design!
Dr. Kluane has two earned doctoral degrees; one in Theology and one in Naturopathy. Obviously, she is hooked on learning!
The easiest way to contact is by email; drkluane@kluane.com
"Because of full time travel, it is best to email first and let me call you back!"
Facebook Group https: //www.facebook.com/groups/WomenInChristainMinistry
Kluane Spake
Church and Conference Speaker: She is a Commissioned Ambassadorial Apostle and Theologian. Her passion is to study and research to discover and then help establish correct Biblical Truth and explain those eternal Principles into Spirit-Led practical application that impacts Leaders of the Church, Society, Governments, and Nations to change the world.
One of her joys in life is to have written the Online Bible Course; "The School of the Apostles"; Plus, she has written over 25 Books and countless E-books and articles. And lots more courses are coming soon!