Is the world headed for an apocalyptic disaster? Most people believe that something bad is about to happen!
Recent poll numbers reveal that the majority of people on the planet are concerned that the world is changing for the worse, and that we are tetering on the brink of Armageddon, the end of the world. or some other "life extinction event." Many fear that all the severe weather, wars, famine, plagues, etc. are the result of God's judgment being poured out upon the world as it becomes more wicked by the day.
Religious leaders around the world are warning of God's wrath as evidenced by prophetic events that are being fulfilled right before our very eyes. There are more Christians on the earth now than there ever has been in modern times. Yet, in spite of the surging numbers of Christians, ironically, the world continues to decline in spirituality, committment, and obedience to God and his laws.
As we consider Bible prophecy in our modern time, we should ask ourselves if any of these fears are justified. Are we witnessing the wrath of God being poured out upon the earth? Will things continue to get worse until Jesus comes again?
In order to understand the "end of times," it is absolutely essential to understand the "beginning of times" relative to Bible prophecy. In this volume of "The Apocalypse Papers," eschatologist and prophecy expert Michael N. Godwin explains in simple terms what happened before "In the beginning..." or what events transpired before time began being recorded in the first chapter of Genesis.
In this book you will find answers to many of mankind's most profound questions:
* Where did I come from, why am I here, where am I going?
* Why was there a war in heaven between God and Satan?
* Why does Satan hate all the people of the world so much?
* What is the agency of mankind & why is it so important to me?
* How does Satan's "plan of destruction" fit into the New World Order?
* How does Christianity perpetuate Satan's "plan of destruction?"