Always study with the most up-to-date prep! Look for AP Chemistry Premium, 2022-2023, ISBN 9781506264103, on sale July 06, 2021.
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About the Author: Neil D. Jespersen is an active member of the Department of Chemistry at St. John's University (Queens, New York). He earned his B.S. degree with special attainments in chemistry at Washington and Lee University (Lexington, Virginia) and his Ph.D. at Pennsylvania State University (University Park, Pennsylvania). He specializes in analytical chemistry research and has mentored more than 100 undergraduate research students and 25 graduate students. Dr. Jespersen teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in instrumental analysis and quantitative chemical analysis. He also teaches general chemistry on a regular basis and coordinates the general chemistry laboratory program. Dr. Jespersen is a fellow of the American Chemical Society and currently serves as a councilor from the New York section. He is also the faculty advisor to the ACS Student Chapter at St. John's University. Pamela K. Kerrigan is an Associate Professor and director of the Division of Natural Sciences at the College of Mount Saint Vincent (Bronx, New York). She earned her B.A. at Lakeland College as a double major in biology and chemistry, her M.S. at the University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee), and her Ph.D. at Arizona State University in chemistry. Over the past 23 years, Dr. Kerrigan has mentored numerous undergraduate research students. She teaches undergraduate courses in general chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry. Dr. Kerrigan is the past chair of the New York section of the American Chemical Society and is a councilor. During her tenure at the college, she has been the mentor for the American Chemical Society Student Chapter. For 10 years, Dr. Kerrigan was a reader for the AP Chemistry exam.