This book explores the concept of "couple anxiety," by examining the main facets making up relationships.
This book covers:
- Anxiety and Insecurity in a Relationship
- Possible causes and effects of an anxious relationship
- Tips for solving Anxiety in a relationship
- How to manage conflicts with your partner caused by insecurity
- How to keep the relationship healthy
- Communication in a Relationship to Address Anxiety
- Support Your Partner through Anxiety
- Couple Awareness
- Meditation to Address Anxiety
- Mindfulness Techniques for Depression and Anger
Everyone experiences anxiety in one form or another during their lifetime. Just take a walk in the park, and most people you walk by have either experienced an anxiety episode in the past or are currently suffering from one. At least half of these people struggle with sleeping problems, restlessness, shortness of breath, overactive mind, sweaty palms, and so on. On top of that, many don't ever seek treatment for this average occurrence. The rate of anxiety disorders is climbing and shows no signs of stopping. Modern technology has exposed us to images of natural disasters, terrorism, crimes, war, financial collapse, and this has led to an increase in Anxiety. Experiencing little Anxiety is a normal biological response that plays a vital role in life. Without it, we could not respond correctly to outliers putting our lives at risk. However, too much can bring chaos into our homes, affect work, bars a full and happy life, and it can even tear relationships apart.
"Anxiety makes people feel a lot of things (worry, Anxiety, panic, etc.), and one emotion they feel is guilt, which doesn't attract much attention. Most days, they feel guilty about being nervous about stuff that could happen to them because they know there are people out there coping with the same stuff or worse things that have happened.
"I know how you feel," you can't really understand what it's like when you have or never had Anxiety yourself. Imagine a non-asthmatic telling an asthmatic that someone who has never had Anxiety knows what it's like to have asthma, and you've got a rough idea of what it's like to be told, "I know how you feel." It is disrespectful, and the truth of our situation is trivialized.
"Take a drink; you'll feel better."
Giving someone an alcoholic beverage when they're sad, tired, or upset, or some other negative emotion is common in our society. For the short term, occasionally, it works pretty well. Yet Anxiety is not a change in mood in a short time. It's persistent and relentless, and trying to calm someone's alcohol paranoia will only operate for a couple of hours until they're sober. The hangover is gone, and they're feeling nervous again. There are more straightforward, safer, and longer-lasting ways of managing Anxiety, and attempting to address the alcohol issue increases the possibility of addiction and/or dependence.
If you are interested in understanding "Coupled Anxiety" and applying such knowledge to improve your relationships and interactions around you, this is your book.