You know you have a real problem; it has a name!
Your symptoms are real, not made up. But you should also keep in mind that living with panic doesn't have to be your destiny. It's a highly treatable problem, and it can be easily solved. You need to put some effort into it, but it would be worth it. You'll get your life back. Don't give up and let some random mental issues control your life. Every fear grows if you avoid it. To see how small it really is, you have to look into its eyes. You have to face your fear. And that's far less frightening than living anxiously forever.
Think about your panic attack as an alarm. It rang, and you checked what is wrong. But you looked in the wrong place. It's not your physical health that's wrong. You checked it; everything's fine. It's your soul ringing the alarm. There is a lot of fear and some unsolved conflict, trauma, or challenges you need to recognize and solve.
There's something more, something under the surface that's bothering you. What is it? Nothing, everything's in perfect order? Well, maybe that's the reason why you have panic attacks. It's never just that. Just as a tree must have roots, your panic attack has too. You are probably not aware of the main problem. In fact, perhaps you know of something unpleasant in your life, but you are not aware of the connection between that and the panic attacks. That connection is what we are searching for. Maybe you have a current problem that makes you feel anxious. Or you have experienced a loss and grief in the recent past. Lost a job? Breaking down of a relationship? Stress at work? Having a new baby?
Yes, but it's something else. My sadness/stress/lack of sleep has nothing to do with my panic. Panic attacks are the problem, not that my marriage broke down after twenty years! You think.
Nice thought, but not true.
Panic attacks are fed by anxiety. Anxiety means that you are afraid. What are you afraid of? They may be converted feelings. Something you can't face converted into fear and self-sabotage to protect you. Maybe you are protecting yourself from facing something too hard, too painful, or disturbing?
That's what's giving the power to your attacks. A bunch of emotions put together to attack you like a feeling of unbearable fear. Think about it.
Dig deeper. Dive into your darkest corners, no matter how painful that is. You must pull the problem out from its roots.
This guide will focus on the following:
Signs of trauma
Parts of the Brain that are Affected by the Trauma
How Pain, Stress and Anxiety Affects Your Life
How to deal with trauma
Complex PTSD Behavior and How to Control it
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Tools for Anxiety
How to Use Tapping to Reduce PTSD
The Benefits of Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Adrenaline Addiction and High-Risk Behavior
Changing Maladaptive Thinking
Facing Your Fears
Healing Exercises for Better Social Functioning... AND MORE!!!
Use this book as your guideline, as a friend who knows how to help. Read it as many times as you need and try to apply the advice to your case. You'll see a huge difference.
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