Fight Anxiety Naturally with This Special Book Edition
Important Information - Before You Order This Book-
Please note, you will receive 1 BOOK that contains the contents of the 2 books in 1 special book edition.
You will NOT receive 2 different books. You will receive 1 big volume that contains:
-Book 1 - Mindfulness for Beginners
-Book 2 - Holistic Relaxation
With this special 2 in 1 book edition, you will discover the healing powers of:
-Bach Flower Remedies
-Balanced Nutrition
-Simple Meditation and Mindfulness
-Breathing, Body-Mind Detox
-Relaxation Techniques
This simple guide will show you how you can utilize very simple techniques that are natural, free and effective. You will finally embrace natural and holistic therapies that get to the root of the problem instead of just masking the anxiety symptoms...
Here's what's waiting for you inside..
BOOK 1 Mindfulness for Beginners:
-Simple Rules of Mindfulness
-Transforming Your Life with Mindfulness
-Mindfulness & Relationships
-What Kills Mindfulness?
-Mindfulness to Make Friends with Your Emotions and Enjoy Your Life Now
-How to Actually Practice Mindfulness?
-Inner Mindfulness - How to Make GOOD Friends with Your Emotions
-Transform All Areas of Your Life and Health with Mindful Self-Honesty
-Breathe out mindless illusions...
-Practicing Mindfulness in Everyday Situations
-Mindfulness for Ordinary People
-Is ego always bad?
BOOK 2 Holistic Relaxation:
-Stress- a Blessing in Disguise?
-Body and Mind Techniques for Holistic Relaxation
-Phytotherapy for Stress Management
-Homeopathy and Bach Flower Remedies
-Yoga and Tai-Chi
-Mind over Matter
-Aromatherapy and Massage
-Holistic Facial Massage
Take positive and purposeful action today.
Success and happiness start with a peaceful lifestyle!