Do you live a life constantly surrounded by family, friends, coworkers, and acquaintances yet still feel completely alone?
Do you tend to get stuck in your own head, overthinking possible scenarios to every single event in your life?
Have you ever felt out of place, isolated, lost, weird, or broken and not know how to get yourself out of the hole?
Have you ever felt like a burden or disappointment to the people you care about most?
Carrie, your average girl, struggled with these feelings most of her life, but never more than when she was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). From the time she was a child, she allowed this negative self talk to grow and fester until it finally led to a mental illness and complete breakdown.
She allowed perfectionism, guilt, shame, fear, and the toxicity of her past to destroy every part of her, landing her in a mental breakdown at the end of 2019. It's a story of destruction, and more importantly, her comeback and the lessons learned along the way.
Carrie shares her story to raise awareness for mental health disorders and to ensure that you know you have a kindred spirit out there. You are not alone.