Do you really want to overcome anxiety and depression forever and live a happy life? So read on...
If you picked up a copy of this book, it is most likely because you or someone you love, is dealing with these diagnosis.
About anxiety, you may know some of the symptoms, you may even have a diagnosis, but what you may not know is exactly what an anxious mind is and why it occurs.
Anxiety can strike anyone at any time, and while there are some risk factors involved, they don't always tell us who will be affected by this. Every year over 18% of the population will suffer from some form of an anxiety disorder, and yet only around 36% of those individuals will ever seek treatment or help. This leaves a large portion of the population suffering needlessly in silence and feeling as if they are doomed by this disease.
Depression, on the other hand, is a mood disorder. That means it is more than a typical mood-swing experience. The medical field considers depression a severe medical illness that negatively affects your feelings, your thoughts, your actions and reactions.
The mental disorder causes a feeling of heaviness and sadness and a loss of interest in activities, especially those you previously enjoyed. Experiencing such feelings can hinder your ability to think straight and affect your daily work, which results in lost time, lost opportunities, and low productivity.
Picking up this book was step one. So, let's dive straight in and look at what it is about.
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This book covers the following topics:
- Why are we so anxious?
- causes of anxiety and panic attack
- breaking away from negative thought patterns
- daily habits you need to start practicing
- calming the mind and eliminating stress
- natural remedies for chronic anxiety
- break the cycle of anxiety
- mind exercises and body exercises
...And much more
- Most common symptoms
- Why do we get depressed?
- The power of negative thinking
- The road to recovery from depression
- Getting back your life and facing your fears
- Cognitive restructuring
- Daily habits you need to start practicing
- Mind exercises
- Yoga meditation mind body therapies
...And much more
It is vital to understand that depression is not a mental or emotional "difficulty" that one can "snap out of" at will or "get it together." Depression is not something you can take a nap for and sixty minutes later wake up depression-free. It surpasses the blues and mood swings and is a serious condition that gets worse the longer it remains unaddressed and untreated.
Dealing with and overcoming the issue will call for time, and therefore patience, commitment, and all the effort you can muster. Just like with most disorders, anxiety and depression are highly treatable so long as the person who has them seeks that help. But the problem is that often, we find it difficult to seek that help, and so we end up in a cycle of fear.
One of the best ways to break this cycle is to start with baby steps, building ourselves up until we can overcome anxiety and depression long enough to ask for help. But how do we begin? And what do those baby steps look like?
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