Anxiety Coping Tools (Book1)If you overthink before taking action, if you are prone to making negative predictions, if you worry about the worst that could happen, then you're probably suffering from some degree of anxiety.
Anxiety Coping Tools is your perfect book to cope with anxiety, with this anxiety workbook you can learn to know Anxiety Symptoms and understanding and Managing Anxiety.
Maybe you don't know that there are 6 Main Types of Anxiety, Which anxiety disorder do you have?
You will discover how anxiety works, strategies to help you cope with common anxiety:
Furthermore, you will discover a natural technique to stop general anxiety fast!
Start to eating foods that help with anxiety and stress today by introducing 8 simple food swaps into your diet.
Learn more about anxiety kids the types of anxiety that can affect children and the strategies for building coping skills in children with anxiety.
Discover how helping a child with anxiety deal with the back to school transition and the things never to say to your anxious child
Are you ready to discover all this and more anxiety antidotes with this anxiety coping tools book?
Cognitive Behaviural Therapy (Book2)
A Practical and Simple Guide to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be extremely helpful in treating people who suffer from issues like a borderline personality disorder, depression and anxiety, to reach Mental and Emotional Freedom!
Problems such as: anxiety, depression, and intrusive thoughts are often overlooked but they have a negative impact on a person's life and those all of those around them.
This book is a gift to person casualties of negative thought patterns, destructive behaviors and self-loathers.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of the best forms of therapy out there to solve this kind of problems on adults, children, adolescents k-12.
To defeat issues like depression, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts will require action-oriented techniques and mindfulness that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy provides.
These are long-term techniques have stood the test of time and scientific rigor.
The book will provide information on:
- What іѕ Cognitive Bеhаvіоrаl Therapy
- Tуреѕ оf Cognitive Bеhаvіоrаl Thеrару
- Cognitive behavioral therapy for anxious children and Emоtіоnаl Dіѕоrdеrѕ
- Cognitive behavioral therapy for borderline personality disorder
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Cоgnіtіvе Bеhаvіоrаl Therapy and much more
With this book, you will learn to get rid of the negativity in your mind and in your life and turn it into positivity. You will discover how cognitive behavioral therapy will help you to ways to freedom.
Do you want to get a valid method for has a Healthier and Happier Mind? This is the perfect book for you!