Do you want to take control of your life using this step by step guide to learn cognitive behavioral therapy to reduce anxiety, panic attack and manage anger? If yes, then keep reading...Studies have revealed that if a person is able to identify and label emotions in a correct way, and also talk about them in a straight forward manner to the point of feeling understood; it is easier for him/her to make negative feelings dissipate. Consequently, the psychological arousal that occurs from such feelings also disappears dramatically.
However, when the society is unable to look at anger constructively thus deeming it totally unacceptable, people stays in a state of emotional arousal because they cannot label what they are feeling as anger. We become unable to pay attention to the things going on around us. Furthermore, we are unable to constructively express anger.
This book gives a comprehensive guide on the following:
- Signs and Symptoms of Anger
- Advantages of Meditation
- Anger in Children
- Anger in Teens
- Meditation
- Social Skills for Anger Management
- Evaluating your thoughts and feelings
- Healthy Outlets for your Anger
- Overview of Anger Management Techniques
- Anger Disorder
- Professional Help
- Emotional Intelligence and Its Effect on Stress
- How to get rid of unpleasant memories with EMDR
- Herbal Supplements
- Time Management and Schedules
- Coping with Phobias
- Tapping and Acupressure
- ... AND MORE!!!
The denial makes us unable to understand and regulate our behavior because we stay focused on the inner emotional state. In fact, we tend to experience excessive physical arousal in situations where negative emotions are involved. However, because of the taboos, we do not show any external signs of anger or negative emotional response. Imagine how confusing that is for a friend or spouse. It is also confusing for us.
In some cases, however, we experience feelings of relief after opening up and sharing with someone about our anger and its cause. Psychologists say that this kind of intense relief is experienced because, instead of venting OR expressing ourselves in an unconstructive way, we acknowledge the circumstances leading to our emotional state and constructively work towards finding a solution.
And that positivity points towards the benefits of anger. It acts as a motivator for us to change. Anger encourages us to speak about the things bothering us and find solutions.
However, people with anger management issues (getting angry often) can become ill because of the unregulated physical reactions. Just like stress left unmanaged, anger too can make a person ill.
Anger can be good when expressed in a healthy way and addressed quickly. In fact, under certain circumstances, anger can help one to think rationally. However, unhealthy anger will wreak havoc within your body and also to the people around you. When you hold anger in for long periods, it will explode into a full rage. If you have unhealthy episodes of anger or you are prone to losing your anger every so often, below are some of the reasons you should learn anger management.
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