NEW! This booklet is meant to be brief. I am here to share some thoughts with you. Thoughts that may be unpopular in certain circles. It's just that I have noticed something in the spiritual community that has really intensified since the pandemic. Maybe you have noticed it too.
It seems that spirituality has been hijacked by the concept of manifestation. What once was the pursuit of communion with the unseen mystery of life, has become all about acquiring cars and houses.
Don't get me wrong, I like nice cars and nice houses and I love money. I also do not subscribe to the adage that money doesn't make you happy. I think that is a mind-control mantra used by the powerful to keep the rest of us in our place. If you have ever not had money, you know money does make you happy. In fact, the study that suggested that money only makes you happy up to meeting the basic financial needs of life was recently proven false.
So my assertion is not about money or the pursuit of it. It is about the method of that pursuit. You see the current spiritual community is trying to convince you that your financial wellbeing has something to do with your vibration and that if you are suffering it is because your vibration is low.
Having grown up Catholic, this sounds all too familiar. Could it be that low vibration is the new sin in the spiritual community? The idea that somehow we are choosing to experience the struggle that we are experiencing sounds very much like your choices send you to hell. There seems to be an idea that circumstances and society have nothing to do with the outcomes in your life.
Someone steeped in this belief system would spend hours arguing the point. But for the sake of all of our wellbeing I would like to suggest we forget about our vibration and how well we manifest and see what happens.
If you are you tired of trying to manifest because you are not seeing the results you believe you are asking for, if you are frustrated with the lessons you are reading about and watching videos over are not working, if you have you joined classes or even hired coaches and still nothing seems to work, if you have spent money to manifest money and you end up empty handed, if you feel like it's all just a mind game and you are trying to trick yourself into believing you already have what you don't have, then I highly suggest you stop. It is not working for you.
And there is nothing wrong with that.
Give yourself a break, be nice to yourself, and let's talk about another approach - if only for a little while.
Thank you for being here with me, I will do my best to serve you and help you get back to living your life.