Our body is very intelligent and cunning when it comes to survival. As soon as you catch an infection, it reacts with inflammation, which is aimed at eliminating the pest. In most cases, this process is very important for restoring health, but in some situations, erroneous inflammatory reactions occur.
Inflammation is a natural immune response to irritants. However, if the inflammation becomes chronic, it can harm the body. What you eat either provokes the reaction of the immune system or reduces it. An anti-inflammatory diet will provide the body with the right set of nutrients, including omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, as well as antioxidants that help fight inflammation.
Our organism responds to alterations to its homeostatic state due to factors that are endogenous, exogenous and irritating through an inflammation. This means that factors such as climate changes, seasonal illnesses, nutrition (both the choice of foods and their combination), viruses, bacteria, stress, pollution and much more contribute to increase inflammation levels.
Acting on nutrition to reduce inflammation levels with a diet based on anti-inflammatory foods is one of the most useful mechanisms to stimulate the metabolism, so to reduce the accumulation of liquids, model the peripheral insulin resistance and mobilize stored fat.
Thus, having eating habits that are most possibly correct in one's everyday life is a positive stimulus also for our mind's well-being, and controlling the inflammation, both by respecting one's personal profile and keeping a healthy lifestyle, can be nothing but ulterior support to have not only a healthy, but also peaceful way of living.
This cookbook covers:
- What is an Anti-Inflammatory Diet?
- Food to Eat
- Food to Avoid
- Breakfast Recipes
- Lunch Recipes
- Dinner Recipes
- Snacks and Sides Recipes
- Dessert Recipes
- 21-Day Meal Plan
Chronic inflammatory disease is a serious condition that cannot be neglected. Remember, it can cause poor health and even death. Everyone is at risk. But a few simple foods and lifestyle changes can help. You will be able to reduce the risks and symptoms immensely.
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