Tame your cravings and rebalance your digestive systemIdentify the toxic foods in your kitchen that overwhelm your metabolismIf you or a loved one are suffering from any of the wide ranging and intrusive problems of an over active inflammatory response, you'll understand exactly how debilitating the conditions can be. The problem is far more widespread than most people realise and the condition affects uncounted millions of people every year. But, in the midst of all this suffering, is there an answer? Well, practical help and advice is finally at hand in this extraordinary box set that has been designed specifically to provide real help to anyone suffering from over-active immune system problems. And the books have certainly been made welcome in the homes of sufferers. Because people typically suffer from weight gain, bloating, skin outbreaks, itching, digestive problems, low energy, poor sleep and a whole range of often unreported conditions. It's high time their conditions received the help they deserve.
Despite decades of research and cocktails of drugs, the pharmaceutical industry can still only treat the symptoms of an over-active immune system. It does not address the underlying cause. And as any sufferer will tell you, the side-effects from those millions of prescriptions have often been described as being far more unpleasant than the original condition they were supposed to relieve.
Yet an increasing body of evidence strongly supports the view that an over-active immune system is often provoked by environmental factors such as pollution, stress, chemicals in the environment and, most significantly, the kind of food we choose to eat. It seems that our daily diet can play a pivotal role in determining whether our immune systems remain in balance. Or spiral out of control. The answer then is to adjust our diet and eliminate the kinds of food that are known to produce negative reactions in our bodies.
This comprehensive collection of carefully selected information will show you how to bring your immune system under control. Packed full of fascinating and incredibly helpful advice on how to reduce the effects of an over-active inflammatory response, the books will guide you through the life-changing processes that have been chosen to help you transform your health and wellbeing.
Amongst a treasure trove of helpful and practical guidance, you can learn how to
Select the healthiest and most natural fuel for your body
Banish the harmful processed junk from your shopping list and
Master your sugar addiction and break free from your toxic habits
Turn on your fat-burning metabolism to burn belly fat and discover a slimmer, trimmer new you
Enjoy a huge range of totally delicious and natural recipes
Introduce the clean eating concept into your daily dishes and start to feel amazing
Unleash new levels of energy and personal stamina
Clear up those skin outbreaks and rashes from the inside
Free yourself from dreaded bouts of bloating
Discover your real potential for a whole new feeling of total wellbeing
This box set has been crafted by a Master Nutritionist and is based on thousands of case studies, intense research and the latest developments in the exciting field of Functional Medicine. The methods described have given hope and health to thousands of sufferers and now this priceless information is available to a wider audience. If you or a loved one are suffering from any kind of over-active immune response problem, don't waste another second.