A gray area text?
"Verily I said unto you. There are some standing here who shall not taste of death, till they see the son of Man coming in his kingdom"
Heaven's interpretation: When the lord said that there was a rumor that he said that Apostle John will not die, notwithstanding, he did not mean John will live forever. More also, the rumor was partly right. John was the only apostle standing there that was alive to see the kingdom of God coming down, though in revelation. Point to know, the narration of the revelation came from God, do you think that God will change the description of Apostle John Revelations?
If it stands the way he described it, what does that mean?
It means that both sides are equally the same in God.
Illustration: The Lord was referring to only John at the moment but later on Stephen and apostle Paul and many today's believers or rapture believers. But the focus in this teaching today, is on John. The book of revelation said that before John died, he saw the kingdom of God coming down and also Jesus coming. He always used this phrase "I, John saw" a confirmation of the lord's word.
Detailed Illustrations.
If we take into perspectives of what The Lord said, we must understand that both physical and revelation are reality in God perspective. The Lord said, your father Abraham desired to see my days, he saw it and was happy. They almost stoned Him because He said Abraham saw His days. It is always our short comings that mitigates our understanding of the scriptures. If we can for ones think like Jesus, we could understand the word of God much better.
Know this: Christian faith does not rely on scientific proof but on the word of God. Sometimes, the clear meaning of the word is not written down and that's why asking, seeking and knocking become a vital tool. The Spirit of God in you, will get the answer from God beyond refuting.
Our short comings.
Humans have grown from rudimentary science to advanced science in proficiently knowing how to treat human diseases. Those who do not have the wherewithal to afford it died before it gets to them. There's no hard feeling about it because that's the way things are run in our world.
The second choice would have cost nothing if humans developed in that area. Over 2,000 years ago humans have heard the knowledge of how to cure diseases from The Lord Jesus in His short stay on earth and even before science and technology. What did humans do to acquire that power? Nothing.
We knew that in His brief stay here, that they were some people that were ostracized because of their infirmities that had no cure. Those people may be cured today, which is after 2,000 years of scientand technology development. Supposing that humans paid attention to the teachings of the method of Jesus on how to receive healing from God, living longer would not have been determined by your pocketbook.
Mark 5:41
Taking the child's hand, He said [tenderly] to her, "Talitha kum!" -which translated [from Aramaic] means, "Little girl, I say to you, get up!" AMP
The event was not an outlier but one of the rarest miracles of The Lord Jesus. I know that if the method that He used could bring back to life, a dead little girl, can as well cure any disease.
The problem of many people is that you should not bring religion to this but let me remind you that you forgot how you came to earth. You came to earth as a godly soul and how come you are already twisted.
The method of healing that The Lord Jesus taught would have made us better humans and not these humans that we are today, which is to say that hospitals and clinics would have been a substitute. Anyway, God still have the method of healing in mind for those who can still reach out to Him.