About the Book
The 3rd Annual Lecture on Exile in Comparative Literature and the ArtsALECLA 2020, 27-28 November 2020, Constanta, Romania, Fully virtual; Co-Chairs: Senior Lecturer Dr. Alan Reed Libert-Newcastle University, NSW, Australia; Dr. Maria Magdolna Tatár-retired from the University of OsloProgram 2020: ALECLA, AKECH, FECH, CLAFest, 7; ALECLA 2020-The 3rd Annual Lecture on Exile in Comparative Literature and the Arts, Fully virtual - Conference proceedings, 11; Grammatical Viruses and Real Ones: Implications for Endangered Languages - Alan Reed Libert, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia, 12; Reclusive Culture in Chinese Mountain and Water Painting - Giacomo Bruni, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China, 17; Rediscovered Darkness: The Franciscan ideal in Gabriele d'Annunzio's "nocturnal" prose - Donato Gagliastro, Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 30; Power, Rule and Social Order in a Society Without Fathers and Orphans - I. Emma Borjigid Bohm, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 42; Kazakh Literature - Bakhtygul Makhanbetova, International literary agent, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 70; Cultural Heritage Promotion Through Art - Lidia Drozdova, Art-manager and art-journalist, 76; FECH 2020 - The 3rd Festival of the Endangered Cultural Heritage, 96; Azam Abidov, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 97; Bayangali Alimzhanov-Баянгали Алимжанов, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, 102; Kökböri Mübarak Qïzatulı-Көкбөрі Мүбарак Қизатұлы, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 108; Lenar Shaekh-Ленар Шаех, Kazan, Tatarstan, 113; Munaydar Balmolda-Мұнайдар Балмолда, Oral, Kazakhstan, 122; Sagyn Berkinalieva-Сагын Беркиналиева, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 127; Yusuke Miyake, Tokyo, Japan, 130; Yusuke Miyake & Daniela Varvara, Tokyo, Japan & Corbu, jud. Constanta, Romania, 133; CLAFest 2020 - The 3rd Constanta Literature and the Arts Festival - ICATAT panel "In memoriam Swietlana Czerwonnaja", 139; Mieste Hotopp-Riecke / Monika Górka - Introduction // The legacy of Swietlana hanım, 141; Mieste Hotopp-Riecke, With Yunus a literary farewell for Swietlana and Ali, 148; Mieste Hotopp-Riecke/Ali Khamzin - The political relationship of the Russian and Soviet empires to oppressed peoples, 150; Ammar Awaniy, Magdeburg - The Rose of Jerichow, 152; Ammar Awaniy - Living.home.night, 155; İldar Kharissov - Advocate for the Turkic Peoples of Europe: In memory of Swietlana Czerwonnaja, 157; Monika Górka / Dominik Napiwodzki - Thinkings. Akkerman steppes by Adam Mickiewicz, 161; Mieste Hotopp-Riecke - Zwei Gedichte. Eine Welt. Dzhemile Umerova, 165; Enver İbrahimov - Men anamnıñ bir qızı edim. A Crimean Tatar traditional folk song, 174; Taner Murat - Ak-Kerman kîrî, 176; CLAFest 2020 - The 3rd Constanta Literarure and the Arts Festival - Supliment literar COVID-19: Arșura de vorbă cu scriitorii constănțeni, 177; Alexandru Birou, Liga Scriitorilor Dobrogeni, 178; Traian Brătianu, Cenaclul Literar "Mihail Sadoveanu", 182; Mihaela Cojocaru, Societatea de Haiku Constanța, 185; Nicolae Dumitru, Cenaclul Literar "Mihail Sadoveanu", 189; Arșaluis Sarchisian Gurău, Uniunea Armenilor din România (Filiala Constanța), 191; Emel Emin, Constanța, Romania, 198; Izolat la domiciuliu cu pictorul Iaia Ferodin din Mangalia de Arșura, 200; Constantin Iordan, Clubul Umoriștilor Constănțeni, 202; Vasilica Mitrea, Liga Scriitorilor Dobrogeni, 208; Dan Norea, Clubul Umoriștilor Constănțeni, 210; Ion M. Ruse, Clubul Umoriștilor Constănțeni, 212; Tănase Serea, Cenaclul Literar "Mihail Sadoveanu", 215; INDEX, 217