Revised edition, January 2017. The first in a series of volumes on the JFK assassination, Where Angels Tread Lightly is a unique scholarly examination of historical episodes that go back to WWII, the Office of Strategic Services, and the early evolution of the CIA-up to and beyond Castro's assumption of power in Cuba in 1959. This book is a groundbreaking investigation of America's failure in Cuba that uncovers the CIA's role in Castro's rise to power and their ensuing efforts to destroy him.
This work retraces the paths taken by many of the key players who became entangled in the CIA's plots to overthrow Castro and the development of the myth that Castro was responsible for the assassination of President Kennedy.
With rigorous scholarship and the brilliant insight of a trained textual records interpreter and document forensic specialist, Dr. John M. Newman sheds new light on the multiple identities played by individual CIA officers. Where Angels Tread Lightly deciphers the people and operations that belong to a large number of CIA cryptonyms and pseudonyms that have remained, until now, unsolved.
About the Author: Dr. John M. Newman, Major, US. Army, Retired; born on December 20, 1950 in Dayton, Ohio.
Dr. Newman earned a BA in Chinese studies (George Washington University, 1973), an MA in East Asian studies (George Washington University, 1976), and a PhD in modern Far Eastern history (George Washington University, 1992). He served in US Army Intelligence (1974-1994), became the Assistant to the Director, National Security Agency (1987-1989), and was a US Army Attaché in China (1989-1990).
Dr. Newman taught for the University of Maryland Honors Program from 1992 to 2012. He currently teaches courses on counterterrorism, international terrorism, and America in the 60s at James Madison University. He is the author of JFK and Vietnam (1992), Oswald and the CIA (1995; 2008), and Quest for the Kingdom: The Secret Teachings of Jesus in the Light of Yogic Mysticism (2011).
Dr. Newman is an expert in textual records interpretation and documents forensics. His skills have been widely sought by US and foreign media organizations, including PBS, the History Channel, CSPAN, NBC, and other news organizations.
Dr. Newman has appeared on several occasions before various subcommittees of the US House of Representatives to testify and/or make presentations on U. Government Agencies' compliance with classified records release laws and the performance of the 911 Commission.