Anyone who has lived through the death of a parent knows that it can spark a rush of overwhelming emotions. For Angela Darlene Pollard, the death of her mother caused her to look at their relationship in a whole new way. Every memory they shared, every word that had ever escaped her mother's mouth, took on monumental importance.
Pollard sought a deeper understanding of not only her place in her family but her mother's as well. With her grief came curiosity about her mother's tragic loss of her mother at the age of six.
A mix of memoirs, poems, and short stories, Angela takes a multifaceted look at grief and family-the emotionally charged moments from our childhood that stay with us, the family role models that shape our views of the world, and the parents and grandparents we spend our youth taking for granted.
Pollard tells her own story through her memories of her mother and her grandfather and, in a feat of empathy, tells her mother's story. And with her words, Pollard invites readers into an honest conversation about life, love, death, and healing.
About the Author: Angela Darlene Pollard is an Alabama native who has lived in central New York for thirty-seven years, where she works as a substitute teacher.
She invites readers who have ever experienced the inexpressible sorrow of losing a family member to find affirmation and relief within the pages of Angela.
Zora, a book of short stories and poetry, is forthcoming.