Anent Hamish Henderson - Essays, Poems, Interviews brings together more than twenty contributions ranging from fond memory to critical inquiry anent the late Hamish Henderson, Scotland's leading folklorist of the twentieth century, remarkable poet and songwriter, and political activist.
Contributors: Keith Armstrong, Margaret Bennett, Eberhard 'Paddy' Bort, Ray Burnett, David Daiches, Lesley Duncan, Archie Fisher, Howard Glasser, George Gunn, William Hershaw, Tom Hubbard, John Lucas, Richie McCaffery, Geordie McIntyre, Dolina Maclennan, Allan McMillan, Alison McMorland, Ewan McVicar, Andrew Means, Donald Meek, Jan Miller, Timothy Neat, Colin Nicholson, Mario Relich, Jennie Renton, Donald Smith and Sheena Wellington.
About the Author:
Eberhard 'Paddy' Bort (editor): works in the Academy of Government at the University of Edinburgh and chairs Edinburgh Folk Club and the Carrying Stream Festival. His most recent publications are View from Zollernblick: Regional Perspectives in Europe (Grace Note Publications, 2013) and The Annals of the Parish: A Decade of Devolution 2004-2014 (Grace Note Publications, 2014).