Phillip grew up with two adoptive, religious, violent parents. After his 3rd time in Vietnam, and being wounded a second time, he came home on a hospital plane. He was lost, angry, isolated, broken...socially, mentally, physical and spiritually. He became homeless and hitch hiked around America; became a drug dealer, smuggler, and faced life in prison. Phillip battled with suicidal depression and nightmares for twenty-five years.
One day, while planning his suicide, he wandered into a Veteran's Outreach Center and found two awesome recovering Vietnam warriors, now counselors, who started him on the path to wholeness. From there, Buddy, a
crusty recovering former Vietnam US Marine, and Roger, an unconventional minister -both determined men, chose to stand against the storm that was Phillip's unlife. They took him to AA and NA meetings, breakfast or lunch, to a
sane, non-violent church...unlike the "hellfire and brimstone church of his youth.
Laura, his beautiful, loving wife stayed with him during some of his darkest days. These five special people guided Phillip to an overcoming life: from being a Victim to a Victor, from Abandonment to Acceptance and Friendship,
from Despair to Hope, from Lost to Found...and from a life of Hate to life of Love.
At age 70, Phillip has 30 years of sobriety, hope, peace, and a love that will not let him go. He writes about coming back from the dark places in his life, and truly believes that, using the tools he describes in his book, you can
come back too. You Are Not Alone. You Are LOVED. There Is HOPE!