In Ancient Shock Monsters, Philosophers & Saviors, How Neanderthals Became Sapiens, the 'standard model' of academic history gets broken into pieces. Socrates, Jesus, Buddha, Greek heroes, Trojan heroes, and Chinese divine Kings are seen in an entirely new light.
The Author must warn the Reader: prepare for a considerable shock; this is the first and only book to examine the hidden history, and the lives of our hybrid humanity.
This book is dedicated to Stan Gooch, the world's first paleo-psychologist, for his brilliant insight into the neuropsychology of the Neanderthals and their descendants, and to the untold legions of Neanderthal-Sapiens souls that were our distant ancestors. Without them, we wouldn't be here.
The basic, scientifically supported premise presented here, is that the reader, the author, and nearly everyone on the planet has 2-4% (or more) Neanderthal DNA in their body. Where and when did this Neon DNA come from, in our distant past? Who were these other ancestors of ours? The theme of this book, our premise, must also strongly suggest, even mandate, that our ancient ancestors surely must have contained much larger amounts of hybrid-DNA than we do today.
"History is the Lie commonly agreed upon." Voltaire.
Steven A. Key, in a former technological life, had a career taming the largest computer systems in the world-those mysterious mainframes. Now, he writes mysterious books. As a deep-researching computerist and technocrat, he was readily primed to combine his investigative skills with his deep personal interests in all things pertaining to Body-Mind and Spirit. Combining unique approaches to neuroscience, psychology, consciousness, and ancient history, Steven created the New Muse Book Series. His initial book, The Vikings Secret Yoga; The Supreme Adventure, is the first book of its kind in that it reveals the hidden Yoga of the tenth-century Norse poets.