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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1883 Excerpt: ...straight on the head, free from hollow in the centre, uniform on the sides, top covered with small points, with a spike behind, the point turning slightly upward. Wattles And Earlobes: Wattles, bright red, broad, full, and pendant: --Earlobes, red, and of medium size. Neck: Of medium length, tapering, well hackled, free from any admixture of white, black or red feathers. Back: Broad, and of medium length. Breast And Body: Breast, broad, deep and full; breast bone, straight: --Body, large, full and compact. Wings: Of medium size, snugly folded against the body, the Ikws and points well covered by the breast and saddle-feathers. Tail: Full, slightly expanded: --Sickle-feathers, of medium length and well curved. Fluff: Moderately full. Legs And Toes: Thighs, large and strong: --Shanks, stoat, fine in bone, of medium length, and bright yellow: --Toes, straight, well spread. Carriage: Upright and stylish. THE HEN. Color: Same as described in cock. Head: Small and neat. Beak: Short, stout, well curved, and bright yellow. Comb: Bright red, double or rose, square in front, and fitting close and straight on the head, the top covered with small points, with a spike behind, the point turning slightly upwards. Wattles And Earlobes: Wattles, bright red, rather small and pendulous: --Earlobes, bright red, and of medium size. Neck: Short and tapering. Back: Broad, of medium length. Breast And Body: Breast, round and full; breast bone, straight: --Body, large, full and compact. Wings: Of medium size, folded closely against the body. Tail: Full, slightly expanded, carried at a moderate elevation. Fluff: Moderately full. Legs And Toes: Thighs, large and strong: --Shanks, stout, fine in bone, medium length, and bright yellow: --Toes, straight, well spread, and yellow. Carriage: