American Social Reform Movements Reference Library satisfies the curiosity of students and helps them successfully complete research and projects. The four-volume set chronicles and illustrates movements from the mid-1800s to the present day.
The two Almanac volumes discuss economic, religious and political forces that played a role in the formation of the various movements.
Significant coverage is given to minorities and women, with the Biographies volume profiling Mother Jones, Kweisi Mfume, Samuel Gompers, Frederick Douglass, Gloria Steinem, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Ella Jo Baker. Interesting portraits are also presented of Daniel and Philip Berrigan, Horace Mann, Martin Luther King, Jr. and many other key figures.
The Primary Sources volume uses documents, letters, speeches and other sources to explain significant events as well as the daily life of ordinary citizens. Contextual material covers the themes of the sources, the people associated with them and the aftermath.
Many features make the Library an invaluable resource for history, literature and government students exploring the movements that have helped shape American society, culture and politics: numerous illustrations and maps, engaging text, interesting sidebars, helpful words to know listings, research and activity ideas, as well as further reading suggestions, easy-to-use subject index and a concise chronol