About the Book
Editorial Reviews - American Cold War Nuclear Bombs From the Publisher Chapters: Fat Man, 1958 Tybee Island B-47 Crash, B61 Nuclear Bomb, W80, W47, B53 Nuclear Bomb, Mark 17 Nuclear Bomb, W33, B83 Nuclear Bomb, W79, W48, Mark 15 Nuclear Bomb, Python Primary, W85, W87, B28 Nuclear Bomb, B41 Nuclear Bomb, Mark 16 Nuclear Bomb, Mark 13 Nuclear Bomb, Kinglet Primary, B43 Nuclear Bomb, W68, W71, T-4 Atomic Demolition Munition, B57 Nuclear Bomb, Mark 4 Nuclear Bomb, Mark 18 Nuclear Bomb, Mark 7 Nuclear Bomb, Mark 8 Nuclear Bomb, W30, Mark 5 Nuclear Bomb, Tsetse Primary, Mark 36 Nuclear Bomb, W31, Mk 101 Lulu, Robin Primary, W84, Mark 6 Nuclear Bomb, Mark 14 Nuclear Bomb, Mark 28 Nuclear Bomb, Mark 12 Nuclear Bomb, W78, W52, B46 Nuclear Bomb, W9, W59, W34, Mark 24 Nuclear Bomb, W86, W81, W56, Mark 11 Nuclear Bomb, B77 Nuclear Bomb, Mark 21 Nuclear Bomb, W55, W45, Mark 10 Nuclear Bomb, Mark 27 Nuclear Bomb, Mark 90 Betty Nuclear Bomb, W62, W58, W50, W19, W39, W44, W74, W38, W35, W49, W66, W73, W40, Mark 22 Nuclear Bomb, W67, Mark 26 Nuclear Bomb, W82, Tactical Atomic Demolition Munition, W29. Excerpt: "Fat Man" is the codename for the atomic bomb that was detonated over Nagasaki, Japan, by the United States on August 9, 1945, at 10:47 PM (JSP). It was the second of the only two nuclear weapons to be used in warfare to date, and its detonation caused the third man-made nuclear explosion. The name also refers more generically to the early nuclear weapon designs of U.S. weapons based on the "Fat Man" model. It was an implosion-type weapon with a plutonium core, similar to the Trinity device tested only a month earlier in New Mexico. "Fat Man" was possibly named after Winston Churchill, though Robert Serber said in his memoirs that as the "Fat Man" bomb was round and fat, he named it after Sydney Greenstreet's character of "Kasper Gu... More: http://booksllc.net/?id=11660 Synopsis Chapters: Fat Man, 1958 Tybee Island B-47 Crash, B61 Nuclear Bomb,