In this murder mystery/coming of age tale, former psychologist M. Kent weaves an immersive portrayal of a curious young woman named America Eva Mariah Mann. America is engaged to Leo Pikeman a wealthy man deft at lying and manipulating to get his way and maintain control. The setting is Leo Pikeman's log and glass cabin overlooking the Colorado River, where autumn paints the mountains gold, green, and rusty red.
The year is 2023, and two months into their engagement Leo suddenly announced he is running for the USA's 47th president. America accepted her new role as a potential first lady because she believes in Leo's platform emphasizing environmental conservation. America soon notices uncomfortable changes in Leo and their relationship. Then, he whisks her away to his gated, guarded Rocky Mountain estate where he provides anything she needs or wants - except the freedom she craves. Once trapped in his mountain mansion, America becomes confused by his changed behavior and attitude. He isn't the same man she fell in love with and America has no strong circle of support to help her figure out if she is being duped and escape.
When present-day reminders of the past trigger symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress, America struggles to maintain her grip on reality. She considers herself a survivor and is not about to give up easily on a happy future with Leo. She believes love can conquer all and wants to be the smiling, faithful wife by his side.
As the mysteries surrounding Leo and the cabin close tighter around her, America feels increasingly vulnerable and afraid for her life. Aided by her new personal assistant, Andrea, she begins unraveling the secrets and lies that shroud the mountains she loves with a sinister aura of evil and death.
America knows she can have no peace of mind until she finds the truth. Will the answers she finds enable her to survive on the land where she feels most at home? Or will her searching lead to her demise?
Anyone who has been seduced by a Gaslighter, and still wonders how it happened, may find clarity in this book and the following volumes of this trilogy.
Anyone who thinks they could never succumb to a Gaslighter may, by reading this book, come to understand how intelligent, strong women often fall prey.
Anyone who is currently in the grasp of a Gaslighter will, hopefully, come to recognize what keeps them trapped and how they are unwittingly complicit.
America Turn Off the Gaslight: Season I, Summer into Fall is a cozy whodunit that will keep you turning pages late into the night...
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