The heart of this book is: The "Individual Human Rights Amendment".
It will restore and protect the Freedoms that years of bad Supreme Court decisions have eroded. It will end "Qualified Immunity" and "Civil Asset Forfeiture", as well as other abuses that have been allowed to creep into our system.
This book emphasizes adding Freedoms that people on the right want, as well as Freedoms that people on the left want, rather than taking away anyone's Freedoms. It makes our system freer and fairer for us all. It locks in Freedoms that our Founders did not, and in some cases, could not, anticipate being threatened.
The Women's Rights contained in the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) are an integral part of the IHRA, but it also protects other individuals of all kinds. It protects you.
The IHRA also makes our laws, courts, and police, fairer. It redirects those precious law enforcement resources away from victimless crime and towards violent crime. It takes money away from gangs and organized crime in a wide variety of ways.
The "Individual Human Rights" Amendment
will also stop corporations and other special interests from buying our politicians by setting limits on contributions, as well as by making it explicit that corporations are not people and are not entitled to the Individual Rights in this and other Constitutional Amendments. It also spells out that the primary duty of the Supreme Court is to protect our Individual Rights against incursions by governmental or other organizations. It makes it clear that Supreme Court Justices are bound by The Code of Conduct for United States Judges.
Other ideas for making our system more responsive to our needs and desires include:
The "Taxes Half and Half Amendment" which will let you choose how half of your federal taxes are spent.
The "Towards a More Representative Government Amendment" which will guarantee that you get at least one Representative in Congress that you chose and voted for.
The "Side Job Amendment" which will allow small business people and others to earn up to the yearly federal minimum wage without filing taxes or any other paper work of any kind. The rich and corporations do this with convoluted laws and lawyers. You should have a "Lawyer-free" way to do this too.
An argument for forming a new party is made. That party is: FAIR, (Free Americans for Individual Rights).
The platform and goals of that party are outlined. Reasons why the Republicans and Democrats have failed their own people, and, indeed, all of us, are laid out.
Sections on the dangers that confront us, national preparedness, national goals, and many more, round out this book.
Free people do not keep slave armies. They do not make their prisoners into ten cents an hour slaves. Free people do not torture anyone for any reason. Free people have a right to do as they wish with their bodies. Free people have a right to privacy in their minds, bodies, homes, public movements, and data. The "Individual Human Rights Amendment" also addresses these issues.
Americans are The Good Guys.
I have always believed that-- in spite of bad laws, bad court decisions, bad politicians, and the barbaric practices and beliefs of the past. This book is an effort to make that leave the evils and failures of the past bring us into put us on...The Road To Freedom... to make us that... Shining City On The Hill... that Ronald Reagan spoke so eloquently of. I humbly ask all of you, from the fading remnants of the Baby Boomers, through all the generations now, and those to come, to help me to make it true by passing the IHRA.