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Excerpt from America: Being the Latest, and Most Accurate Description of the New World; Containing the Original of the Inhabitants, and the Remarkable Voyages Thither; The Conquest of the Vast Empires of Mexico and Peru, and Other Large Provinces and Territories S t A 0 txt Cold and Heat, two more there are, th ahoads Munere concellee divum V1, fe�'ta Per ambas, mmmli;h'111c fl-14 (p Gannfnm (nari-print faalylib. A: And G'i'my alfo affirms though againft the Vulgar] Opinion, this truth, That the Earth is round about inhabited, and that people walk Foot to Foot in mofl: parts thereof, though every one be ready to ask why our Antipodes drop not into the Sky 5 which quefiion, our Antipodes may alfo ask concerning us. But although the Ancients upon thefe and the like Demonl'trations well un= derl'tood, that there was a Habitable World towards the South under our Ho, rigon, yet they could not make out or believe, that there Was any poflibility to pafs thither5 And, according as St. Aafiin conceiv'd That the Earth produc'd nothing under either Pole, by reafon of excelfive cold and that the Equiiioots or mddleszone, was nor to be penetrated, becaufe of the infufferableheat. Before. M 50mm Sar And Macrobius faith, That the Equinoflzal Czrcle, the firtick and Antartick Lines, bind the two Habitable Zones, and make Temperate by the exceifive Neigh boring Heats and Colds5 and thefe Countreys onely give Animation, and comfortable Enjoyment to all Living Creatures. E Moreover, St. Aufizn in fome places feems to clear his own Doubts, That People if they could find a means to Sail thofe Vail and Undi Seas might make Land, railing new Stars under another Sky. Mififfifs'amwm' A Learned Father fearching after the Original of all forts of Beaflzs Which multiply by Generation concludes, That they mull: derive themfelves from thofe that were fav' d with Noah in the Ark. But how came they to the Ifles. To thofe adjacent and near the Main. Land, theymjght eafily Swim5 to the te moter they were Tranfported. And chieflythewild. Ui this Doubt is not altogether clear' d, for the Domei'tick and Other Crea tures fit for Humane ufe and Sufienance were thus brought thither: Yet how comes 1t to pafs, that Voracious and Wild Creatures are alfo found there, fuch as Wolves, Tigers, Lions, and other Beal'es of Prey. This puzzle putting [tin to a Hand, he had no other means to get off, but by faying, that by Commands or Permifiion, the Angels convey 'd themthither5 If fo why might not God pleafe to Plant Men there in like manner, and the rather the Earth be: Auflmiscontradified. Ing created for Humane ufe 2 But what needed this, when Men can in Ships Tranf port themfelves, either of their own accord for curious Inquel't, to find new Countreys, or elfe enforc' d by firefs of Weather, to far remoter, and alto chow men came to new gether unknown Lands: Befides, though the Earth is here and there divided mm by large Bays and wit Seas, yet neverthelefs, in Other places it is all continu 'd Land, or at leafit parted by fome narrow In-let or Sea5 fo that there was no difficulty for acrouded Plantationto go over and lb cafe themfelves in an other Countrey, till then not Inhabited 5 therefore none need to quefiion, but that fiom adam, or nearer, from Noah's three Sons, Sem, Ham, and japhet, thofe as well as we, were extra�'ted, that Inhabit this our Other World. But one queflion is to be obfervl'd, How firfl after the expiration offo mac ny Ages in thefe our later times, a new-world was difcover' d, altogether unknown to the Antients, when they in the greatnefs of their Parts and un dertaking, Prowefs and Prudence, were no ways inferior to the Modern, and. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com