"Just as I put the book down, I had an urge to fall on my knees and ask the Lord to forgive my sins and take the hatred and bitterness out of my heart. Praise the Lord! He immediately answered my prayer."
Author Georgia McCain cites many stories of amazing answers to prayer and miracles from God, including Christian conversion, and healing and recovery from physical illness, grief and loss, alcoholism, financial loss, etc. The stories are from her own personal experiences, and experiences of others, including friends, ministers and religious leaders, and military leaders. She also shares some inspirational poems and memorial tributes.
Excerpted from the Preface: Praying is the lifting up of the soul to God. David tells us in Psalm 25:4-5 (after lifting up his soul to God) to "show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me .... " What a privilege, learning of God, His ways, His truth. "And this is life eternal, that they should know thee, the only true God" John 17:3.
Prayer! What a privilege! That we, poor weak worms of the dust are invited to come before a Sovereign God to commune with Him, to bring our petitions to Him and have the assurance that He hears and answers. Ephesians 3:20 tells us that He is "able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think." God delights to answer His children's prayers. Multitudes of God's children have testified to this fact, and we are endeavoring, by God's help, to record here some of these wonderful answers to prayer, some taken from my book, Trials and Triumphs, and others used by permission from God's people to whom God has manifested His power and glory in answering their prayers and in working mighty miracles in their behalf. Also, I am including some poems, memorial addresses and other items believed to be of interest to the reader.
I have felt for several years the need of writing a book on answers to prayer, to encourage God's people in these dark and troublesome days just before the coming of the Lord. But because of the lack of response for testimonies, and because of a very busy life in God's vineyard, I had postponed it, and had almost given up the hope of ever writing another book. But recently I read a book on answered prayer by Margaret Gouge, and a flame was rekindled within my heart to seek God's will in the matter, recognizing the fact that unless He helped and led, my poor efforts would be in vain. Thankfully, I feel He is leading me on, helping me to glean material and get it typed up, for which I humbly praise Him.
In my personal experience, when I am earnestly praying for spiritual, physical, or other needs, I often search through my library for a book on prayer or answers to prayer, to encourage me, as God does not always answer immediately, though sometimes He does. Many times God has led me to just the right book and as I have read how others held on until they prevailed with God, it would inspire me to do likewise though the answer tarried. Thank God! He does answer. He rewards faith. Let us keep holding on in these last days, believing God to work in our behalf. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" Hebrews 4:16.
"I have a son who is a missionary to Africa. A few years back, he visited a man in jail named Olusegun Obasanjo, and gave him one of my books entitled, Amazing Answers to Prevailing Prayer. Later Mr. Obasanjo got saved, straightened out his life, and ran for president of Nigeria and was elected. After he became president, my son visited him, and he told my son that his mother's book was very inspirational."-Georgia McCain