Amasious is a haunting psychological horror that weaves a chilling tale of isolation, fear, and the terrifying consequences of unraveling ancient secrets. Set in a secluded, crumbling mansion deep in the forest, the story follows a small group of strangers invited to participate in a mysterious, exclusive retreat. Each of them has been chosen for their unique backgrounds, but none of them knows exactly why they've been selected.
The mansion, known as Amasious, has stood for centuries, abandoned until recently. Its owners are long gone, and rumors about the house's cursed past circulate in hushed whispers. Yet, the retreat promises peace and healing-a chance to escape their troubled lives. However, as night falls and the eerie atmosphere thickens, it becomes clear that the mansion is not a sanctuary, but a trap.
Strange occurrences begin immediately: whispers from empty rooms, rooms that move on their own, and disturbing visions of figures long gone. The group soon discovers that Amasious is not merely haunted-it's alive. The house itself is a twisted, sentient entity, feeding on the fears, regrets, and emotions of those who enter. It grows stronger with each passing hour, manipulating the environment and trapping the group in a labyrinth of their own darkest thoughts.
As terror intensifies, the group realizes that their invitation to Amasious wasn't random. Each person carries a dark secret, something they have tried to bury, and the house seems determined to expose these hidden fears, one by one. The walls close in as the mansion shifts, revealing horrific truths about the house's origins and the ancient, malevolent force that resides within it.
With their sanity and lives at stake, the survivors must confront their inner demons and the monstrous entity controlling Amasious before they lose themselves completely. But can they survive long enough to escape, or will the house claim them all?
Amasious is a gripping, atmospheric horror that explores the terror of being trapped not only by the physical environment but by one's own mind. With its unnerving tension, deep psychological twists, and spine-chilling mystery, this novel keeps readers on edge, questioning what's real and what's part of the house's nightmare.