Alzheimers Prevention: The Ultimate Food Guide For People With Alzheimers.
In this book, you will discover the exact foods that will help you delay/ prevent Alzheimers, and the common foods that could be potentially causing you trouble battling the hard disease of Alzheimers.
In this Alzheimers books, my focus in reviewing this research has been a playbook in prevention. What is the the solution to prevent me from following my family's genetic footsteps? I formulated my conclusions in the alzheimer's / Dementia Prevention Lifestyle Plan. In it are many recommendations to greatly decrease our risk of Alzheimer's, allowing us to age physically fit and mentally sharp.
Picture a frail elderly person. They may be tiny; much smaller than they were in the prime of their lives. Year by year, their height decreases. Muscles atrophy and shrink. Doing basic activities like getting around requires a walker. Weakened, the smallest task takes effort. Life is difficult. Eyesight has dimmed. Hearing is diminished. Memory is failing to the point of not recognizing family. Millions of families have lived this sad scenario.
Now, picture a strong healthy senior citizen. Their frame may have shrunk a little from its previous size. However, they still have a sparkle in their eyes and spunk in their step and personality. They can walk for blocks and play a mean game of checkers or chess. They make it a point to be active and eat nutritious food. Full of energy with a passion for life, they easily laugh and keep a positive frame of mind. Friends, family, and faith are important. They still look forward to the future.
What causes this great divergence in the quality of life?
Some are so vibrant, healthy and strong and others are feeble, weak, depressed and confused.
Are some just lucky?
We could assume they have good genetics. But, most healthy senior citizens are that way because they have made some good decisions along the way. They've made their health a priority, including what they eat, how they exercise, staying socially active and finding a way to approach life and still enjoy it. This is all possible by learning what to eat and what not to eat, and reversing or even ending Alzheimers disease.
In this book, you will learn:
- How the foods you eat are linked to Alzheimers
- Diet that will enhance your mind
- Foods that will help you end and prevent Alzheimers/ Dementia or improve situations with patients with Alzheimers.
- Creating your own personalized meal plans
We hope you enjoy this book and it is helpful for you and your loved ones dealing with the burden of the stages of Alzeimers disease.
Who are these Alzheimers products for?
Aging Adults
Birthday Gifts