The planet Chandara is an idyllic world where humans and Saberons-giant panthers, cheetahs, and ligers-enjoy a peaceful, symbiotic relationship, some even connecting as pairs in a process that unites them for life.
One such duo, Zan and his bonded panther Lexa, learn they are intended to fulfill an ancient prophecy to save their species from the mysterious and terrifying Retofors.
After a dangerous confrontation in the land of the ligers, Zan, Lexa, and their families journey to the capital city of Chitraka where the elders inform them that Zan and Lexa must return to Ligeria and save its inhabitants from impending doom.
Reluctantly, they make their way to Liger City, where they discover the Retofors have sent thousands of Catmantis, enormous insects that feed exclusively on the brains of giant cats, to destroy the city. As the pair realize the true extent of the danger, they're unexpectedly reunited with Alta and her bonded liger Draego, and Zan promptly falls head-over-heels in love.
Will the Retofors succeed or will the humans and Saberons be able to unite forces and drive out their shared enemy? And will fate bring Alta and Zan together or push them apart forever?
About the Author: Daniel Bryant spent years traveling the world with the United States Air Force before his retirement in 1995. He now works as a teacher, historian, and coach. He loves to tell stories, and he has a deep appreciation for all things ancient and a vivid imagination for things yet to come.
Bryant lives with his wife in Berea, Kentucky. They have three grown children and four precious grandchildren. Daniel's favorite activities include spending time with his family and his cats and dogs, painting, creating stained glass windows, and writing.